Flouride Treatment & Tooth Protection
At Gordon Dental, it has always been our belief that prevention is better than cure. We recommend regular cleaning to keep your gums in good health and regular checkups for cavities and other possible problems.
We offer fluoride treatment and tooth protection with the use of fissure sealants to protect the back teeth – molars and premolars. These teeth may have deep grooves or pits on the biting surface, areas where tooth decay is most likely to occur. This preventative procedure can be applied to children when their molars appear from age six onward, or typically between the ages of 7-11 years of age. It is an uncomplicated process of applying a liquid sealer to these grooves and pits.
Other Services
Our offers also include, mouth guards for all contact sports, night guards to reduce jaw pain problems, as well as anti-snoring appliances which may be recommended to help with sleep Apnoea. We are trained to supply Somnomed’s products which may be recommended by your sleep physician or ENT.