Dental Clinic Near Turramurra

Finding a Dental Clinic Near Turramurra for Preventative Dentistry

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At Gordon Dental, we understand that some people—especially kids—tend to dread trips to the dentist. There are plenty of reasons for this kind of fear or distaste. Trips to the dentist can be loud, alarming and scary for kids. For adults, they can be time-consuming and difficult to fit into the schedule. And for all patients, they can be painful or just uncomfortable.

Some people use these drawbacks as reasons to delay their visits to the dentist. Others put up with dental visits on an infrequent basis. However, for the best results and oral health, it’s a good idea to make regular visits to a preventative dentist.

Gordon Dental: Your Preventative Dentist Near Turramurra

Gordon Dental is a dental clinic near Turramurra that focuses heavily on the importance of preventative dentistry. For us, dentistry is way more than just cosmetics. Yes, a healthy and straight smile is an important asset for people of any age—one that can lead to greater self-esteem, better success at work and in relationships and an all-around happier life. However, your Turramurra dentist should also be focusing on much more than just aesthetics.

When you choose Gordon Dental as your dentist near Turramurra, you will get a full preventative dental treatment. With fluoride cleanings and fissure sealants, we can clean your teeth and protect the long-term health of your teeth and gums. In the long run, this extra care is an effective way to fight cavities, minimise enamel wear, prevent gum disease and preserve the quality, strength and health of your teeth.

The fact is that, with any luck, all of us will be on this planet for many years to come. You only get one set of adult teeth to last you throughout your life, so taking care of them is a must. Cosmetic dentistry alone can give you a beautiful white smile, but it can’t give you the assurance that you need to know that your teeth will be capable of standing the test of time. With regular appointments at Gordon Dental, you can keep your teeth safe and make sure that they still have decades upon decades of life left in them.

Schedule Your Appointment with Us Today

Whether you are getting your children started on preventative dentistry plans or looking for a Turramurra dental clinic for you, Gordon Dental is the place to be. In addition to preventative dentistry, we also do cosmetic dentistry, emergency dentistry, dental implants and more. No matter your age and no matter the state of your oral health, we can help you.

If you haven’t been keeping up with your preventative dentistry and are feeling a bit scared to find out what the dentist has to say, have no fear! You’ll find a warm and welcoming environment at Gordon Dental—one where the focus will always be placed upon finding a positive path forward. To schedule your appointment, give us a call today on 9498-3811.